The founder and Executive Director of 
Mudra Holistic Healers™ 




Mudra Holistics healers™ is dedicated to provide training in the field of emotional excellence, energy psychology and new age personal performance enhancement tools to bridge the gap among social, material and spiritual aspects. We are committed to create a strong and continuous improvement in human performance with our organization. We customize programs that are specially designed to build and sustain the skills and behaviors that are essential to your business success. 

Our effort extends beyond the training room. We deliver high impact training interventions and implement powerful reinforcement programs. We have a pool of expertise specializing in specific areas in order to better serve organizations and provide quality education in the field of Energy Psychology, Inherent Human Behavior, Leadership, Personal Effectiveness and Universal Laws in such a manner that understanding of these elite sciences can be used by masses practically and effectively in their day-to-day personal and professional lives.

Vision and Passion

Anil Nayyar has a vision to create a micro revolution inside us at subtle levels and his mission is to spread the knowledge of Universal Life Force through Reiki . He has learned LAMA FERA technique from it’s originator and has added one of the most trusted names in Energy Psychology – EFT or Emotional Freedom Therapy into his practices , which has helped numerous people in dealing with their emotional , physical and mental challenges . He continues his pursuit to understand these subtle energies through his practices in Vastu and Pyra Vastu .

Anil Nayyar’s passion lies in understanding the unknown powers of the universe . His curiosity to study human life and it’s connections with Higher Powers , made him give up his job in a fast paced industry . His audiences includes every segment of society from individuals to groups , from professional to educational institutes and from corporates to social organisations . He has conducted a large number of counselling , healing and personal sessions , workshops and seminars . Mudra Holistic Healers™ are bridging the gap between life’s social , material and spiritual aspect’s of life.

Our Services

Moksha Patam

This is a board game made by the rishis from India. It is based on timeless wisdom of the Vedas.
Thousands of years of collective, everygreen knowledge on a single board.
It’s exact date is unknown. Neither is the author.
Author is considered a pen instrument in hands of the Lord. That’s why most Upanishads are author-less.
Each square represents player’s understanding of scheme of things.
For example in block 6 – general understanding is:… Read more


Reiki is an Indian Heritage and it re-originated from Japan. Many people have the misconception that reiki is Japanese. Reiki – pronounced as ‘Ray Key’ , is a combination of two Japanese words rei and ki meaning universal life energy. Reiki is an ancient laying-on of hands healing technique that uses the life force energy to heal… Read more

Emotional Freedom Technique

This is a wonderful technique for removing the negative emotions that limit our success. Using this technique you can gain the emotional freedom to truly pursue being, doing and having what you really want in life.It is most highly recommend to optimize the emotional health… Read more


Vaastu is the science of direction that combines all the five elements of nature and balances them with man and materials. It is all about the interaction of various forms of best effect on a living person. Anil Nayyar is working in this field from last 17 years and aims to create a subtle conducive atmosphere… Read more

Pyramid Vastu

The term ‘Pyramid’ has been described in Greek as ‘Pyra’ meaning fire (energy) and ‘Mid’ meaning middle (center or nucleus). Pyramids, take a form of structure with slanting sides meeting at the top. Pyramids that create energy help in the correction or alteration of vastu… Read more


Ramal is the branch of astrology that helps you to know your future.For a Ramal Reading Session we don’t require any birth details.The predictions can be taken out with the person’s name . It is done with the help of special set of Ramal Dices called ‘Pase’, which are manufactured… Read more

Psychic Surgery

Psychic surgery is performed through the mind and spirit of the healer.
In a visionary experience, the healer has been given the gift of healing and Psychic Surgery by the Holy spirit and you can say Supreme power of the universe.In psychic surgery the healer uses the mind to concentrate spiritual power …. Read more


We use common words as SWITCHES to open doors every day, just as Ali baba learned that ‘open sesame’ was the magic formula that unlocked the vault of treasures . The simple ‘Please’ and ‘Thank you’ were the magic words of our childhood. Switch words are… Read more


A mudra is a symbolic gesture of Shiv and Buddhism. Some mudras involve the entire body, most are performed with the hands and fingers. A mudra is a spiritual gesture and an energetic seal of authenticity. Mudras are positions of the body that have some kind… Read more


Hypnosis is a natural state of selective, focused attention and natural. It remains one of the most fascinating phenomena of the human mind. Our ability to enter this unique state of consciousness opens the door to countless possibilities for healing… Read more

Law Of Attraction

The law of attraction is the attractive, magnetic power of the Universe that draws similar energies together. It manifests through the power of creation, everywhere and in multiple ways. Even the law of gravity is part of the law of attraction. This law attracts… Read more

Sound & Vibration

Sound Healing is an effective and proven modality that uses vibration sound to help reduce stress, alter consciousness and create a deep sense of peace, well being and better health. Sound has also been shown to be a vital part of the healing process… Read more

The True You

You don’t have one but two personalities. One is ‘What you are now’ or the Outer Personality and the other is ‘What you actually are’ or the Inner Personality.Your outer personality is greatly influenced by your inner personality.Your success, social image… Read more

Past Life Regression

Past life regression is a technique that uses hypnosis to recover what practitioners believe are memories of past lives or incarnations. Some others regard them as fantasies or delusions . Past-life regression is typically undertaken either in pursuit… Read more

Magic Candles

Many people are unaware of the power of candles . Since anncient times candles have been used for light , prayer and rituals. Candles have an amazing energy, which is why we use them to boost the healing abilities of Reiki treatment.The colour of each candle… Read more

Science Behind Skull

Even though stories about skull are percieved as supernatural powers , but the co-author of ‘Mysteries of Crystal Skull’ claims that skull carries healing and psychic abilities . He writes “We believe the Crystal Skulls are a form of computer which are able to record… Read more

I am Sorry, Please Forgive Me, Thank You, I Love You(Ho'oponopono Healing)

Some Thought Provoking Quotes !

The spiritual journey is one of continuous learning and purification.When you know this you become humble.
" Sogyal Rinpoche "
Tibetan Dzogchen lama
What goes around comes around. Keep your circle positive. Say good words. Think good thoughts. Do good deeds.
" Karma "
The meaning of Karma is in the intention.
The intention behind action is what matters.
" Geeta "
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Curing stiff neck through EFT Therapy

Move Towards Purity, Knowledge & Spirituality

I have been initiated to Reiki by Shri Anil Nayyarji & his wonderful wife Sunitaji. My experience at Mudra holistic healers has been very good and endearing. I therefore, take this opportunity to thank them from my depths of my heart for supporting me in my spiritual growth and strongly recommend Mudra holistics to all who want to learn Reiki.
" Pomila Talwar "
Authenticity, versatility, real solution, coaching, counselling, true guidance, peace, wisdom... that's what come to my mind when I think of Anil sir. This list of his synonyms doesn't end here, what i am writing here is my perception; but once you meet him, your list can be longer than this. Because it's your capability to explore him. Thanks to Google itself, through which I could find Anil sir. I am honored to get my Reiki Master certification from him. On many occasions I observed that when I bring any query or doubt to him, he satisfy me with legitimate solution/answer/guidance. I feel lucky to have him as my spiritual guide.
Mudra Holistic Healers is a place where one's life can take a complete 360 degrees of a change if you follow the directions of the Reiki master Anil sir, Sunita mam and the Temperamental and True You expert Shubham sir. Their hands have magic and can cure as well as teach various therapies. I feel blessed to be connected with Mudra Holistic Healers. One can make out the change within oneself and in their aura which gets filled with positivity here.
" Rishika "